Kamis, 16 September 2010

Missing Tiramisu by. Mr.Baker

Tiramisu (Tiramesù) is a typical Italian cheese cake with a sprinkling of cocoa powder on top. This cake is a dessert that is eaten with a spoon, so were classified into the dish "al cucchiaio" ("with a spoon").

This cake is made from dough and baked. Material is essentially a biscuit that has been soaked in the solution to the coffee and mascarpone cheese. Biscuits were prepared and coated with whipped cream before it is cooled in the refrigerator so that the form is not destroyed when the cake was served.

 Jadi kangen tiramisu mr.bakeeeeeeeeeer ,
                                                 mr.baker kuwaiiiiiiiit , oh i miss you .. lalala :p

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